7 September 2010

Doubling up

I managed to sneak out of work when noone was looking. No that's not true, in fact I left my boss in my office saying that I had to leave as I needed a run to retain my sanity. Fact.

Good to see a fantastic turnout at the club tonight. Everyone was there. Nick had run over from his house so obviously there is some secret training going on there. Nico had run a lunchtime session and was doubling up too. Adrien, Jean-Marc, José, Thierry, Bruno, Gérald were training too. Some taking it easy after races at the weekend.

The session for the evening was 10x1'x1'. So 1 minute hard for 1 minute recovery. After the long warm-up chatting to some newcomers to the club, I set off on the intervals leaving a little in reserve. I let the fast guys go and ran at the front of a second group leaving a decent space between them. I could feel that if I pushed too hard then the effects of the morning run combined with tonight's effort would be too much.

Nico joined us on the 7th interval and ran at the front to see what was going on. I chased him for a while putting on a spurt of pace, only to feel it almost instantly in the legs and the breathing becoming more laboured. Kept the intervals constant then and finished well. Happy with the session just to see everyone else and to chat to them. Plenty of runners turning up at Conflans at the weekend so it should be a good race. Stick here for the results and the race report !!

10.2k all up in just under an hour.

Last minute race talk with Nico who is quitting alcohol, pizzas and sex before the race. Wish I could say the same ...


Nicolas said...

It's a fake, I said nothing at all about sex!!!
Nice session tonight,indeed, looking foward to making the coming ones with full speed...

James said...

The public know that I never lie!
I hope that I'll be able to make one evening session a week a regular part of my training programme to catch up with the others and to push the pace a little.

Anonymous said...

If I may add a comment : Not everyone was there! I was running in Rueil with Regis who was following me with his bike.
No mean to offend you, but I achieved a 10x500m session in 1'40 average. Not as good as Nico but good enough for me...
Good luck for Sunday race in Conflans!

Nicolas said...

James meant every valuable runner was there :o)