2 September 2010


Short interval session planned for this morning. The marathon training schedule for each week is basically always the same: Tuesday long intervals at around marathon pace; Thursday short intervals lactate session; Sunday long run. The rest of the week is recovery runs and active endurance as it's known in France. I find the hardest sessions to be the lactate, speed reps and am far more comfortable on the longer reps and the long run. This is why I try my hardest to achieve decent times for the speed intervals.

The plan stated for today's session was to run each 400m between 1:30 and 1:35. When I ran the same session in February, I was running these in 1:31. I was determined to improve on that today and couldn't help but think about Nico's times over this distance in his 10k specific training: 1:15.

I wasn't as elated as yesterday when I started out this morning. Each day is darker at the outset and the going tougher. I ran down to the river and began by running as hard as I could.

400m is a short distance, but extremely long when you're not used to it. My legs would start tying up after about 300m and the last 100m was just gritting the teeth and keeping going. I was on the roads and had no real idea of the distances, so by the end of each rep I would just be listening out (and praying) for the Garmin to beep to warn me that the interval was about to end. The first 2 or 3 passed OK and I found that the 100m recovery was very short (actually about 45' when I looked at the analysis afterwards).

The final 2 reps were killers and I ran out of steam. I warmed down for 4 km and ran 10.4k all up in 48 minutes.

The reps went as follows:

1:23, 1:23, 1:25, 1:24, 1:21, 1:22, 1:23, 1:21, 1:26, 1:24

So a lot faster than before but still a good 8 seconds slower per rep than Nico. It'll be the endurance that will have to count in 10 days time.


Unknown said...

The lads in my squad who would run 10 x 400m averaging 75s would be capable of running sub 35 for 10km. I think he may be winding you up...

Nicolas said...

Wise analysis... Listen to your brother and give up till it's to late.

James said...

Hold on Nico - you didn't understand Tom's sentence. He's saying that anyone who can run around 75 seconds per 400m should be running 10k under 35 minutes. I'm not attempting to beat 35 minutes as I know it's beyond me (for the moment).
En français - c'est toi qui devrais courir plus vite sur 10km (en-dessous de 35 minutes). Si ce que tu écris dans ton blog est juste...

Gérald said...

je vais écrire en français pour une fois (désolé). JE SUIS EN TOTAL ACCORD AVEC TOM. 75 s pour 10x400m c'est du 35 minutes sur 10km. 78-80 s c'est du 36 minutes sur 10 km. 82-84 s c'est du 37 minutes sur 10 km etc ... cédric s'entraine sur du 71 s au 10x400m pour 33 minutes sur 10 km. personellement , je fais pas mieux que 82 s et je fais 37-38 minutes au 10 km . au vue des temps annoncé par nicolas , il aurait du me LARGUER COMPLETEMENT à triel ce qui n'as pas été le cas. Il y a un truc qui ne va pas dans ton entrainement nicolas celui de james me parait trés bon ( ca veut pas dire qu'il va te battre à conflans) . ca veut seulement dire qu'il s'ENTRAINE MIEUX.

Nicolas said...

No misunderstanding James. Tom's saying that I shoud run 10k in at least 35k and I agree with that... That's why you should give up, no way for you to defeat me in Conflans. And yes, in english : I sould run faster!
Gerald we were in your mountain practice course so no quick conclusion. About my training, let's see after Conflans, Paris Versailles and Montiny.

James said...

Nico - I think you're setting your objectives too high, too soon and you're going to have to be able to deal with the disappointment.
I'm sure you'll get there but perhaps not this season. You need a good basis of solid training before setting your ambitions so high.