11 September 2008

3-2-1 Lightning

Another session with Les Foulées de St Germain this evening but this time it was in the rain.

Just to add a little excitement to the evening session, we began by the warm-up run in the drizzle. By the time we had crossed the main road and headed into the forest in the direction of the St Germain golf club, the drizzle had turned to rain. Another couple of hundred yards and we were stopped short by a bright flash of light and almsot instantaneously a huge clap of thunder.

This wasn't the most reassuring of signs as we continued running between the trees, waiting for the next lightning strike. I thought of all I had read about it being dangerous to run in a storm and worse running in a group in a storm. The increased distance between the legs when running reduces the resistance of the body and the lightning can leap from person to person away from the initial point of impact. Gulp ...

Luckily, tonight wasn't the night and the storm moved on, leaving us with the task of running a 3 x 6 session in the forest. This session involves running 3 minutes fast, 2 minutes recovery, 2 minutes fast, 1.5 mibutes recovery, 1 minute fast followed by 1 minute recovery. Then repeat another 2 times.

I was at the front of the group, running with Bruno (?) who I had run with on Tuesday. Jean-Marc is the fastest runner in the club and he was well in front, but Bruno and I fought it out behind him. He's also running the 10 km race in Conflans on Sunday and I predict that he'll finish 30 seconds ahead of me. It was a good session but I didn't feel as tired as the session on Tuesday. I could feel the lactic building up at the end but it was easier mentally than the 30-30.

Caught back up with Laurence on the run back to the changing rooms and she'd enjoyed the outing too. It'll be good to see the impact that these sessions have on my race performances.

12.1 km all up in 1:15. I was running the quick sessions at around 17-18 kmh except for the last one where I maxed at 18.7 kmh.

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