16 February 2012


I hate these sessions but there was no alternative. I wasn't going to run around Brussels airport first thing in the morning by myself. I headed up to the fitness room at 6:00 am and got onto the one and only treadmill in there. It was a very basic affair and I was so tired that I couldn't even be bothered to work out all of the limited functions so I just pressed quick start, set the speed to 13 km/h and began running.

I was very bored by 6:15am as the screen in front of me was sowing MTV but without headphones there was little point in watching. I was still tired and only taking in half of what I was seeing anyway. All of this changed 5 minutes later when this gorgeous young blond lady entered the room and proceded to use the stepper machine.

I tried to look as good as possible but after a late night, sleep deprivation, an excess of alcohol and 20 minutes exhausting myself on the treadmill, I definitely wasn't looking my best. I found the fan function at last and at least I was able to reduce the number of beads of sweat that were dripping from my face onto the machine. I pitied the person who was going to use this after me. I'd been running for 45 minutes now and finally found that there was a distance function on the machine so I could have worked out how far I'd run. This would only work if I restarted and I was well past this point so I ran for 51 minutes and hit stop.

A glass of water and a quick glance at the stepper machine and I left, ready for work.

11km all up very approximately !


Gérald said...

treadmill. Ah james ! Un coureur de saint germain va dans ce type de salle. Il en est très content (pas de l'appareil, de la vue dans la salle ...) . Je devrai peut-être y aller aussi .

James said...

I have to admit that if I was feeling less tired I would have spent longer in the fitness room admiring the view. As it was, I was too beat to stand up, and too smelly to hang around. I had a cold shower instead...