18 February 2012

Corra alone

Nico deserted me this morning, pretexting some prior arrangement elsewhere so I was left to run Corra by myself. No worries, I thought, this was the ideal opportunity to run at my comfortable speed and not be forced along by my younger running mate, obliging me to follow or be cursed by a litany of accusations from his blog later on in the day.

I set off easily running up through town with the Garmin recording the first kilometre in 4:42 (it had played up and recorded at least 50 metres short of the official distance) and then the second in 4:50. This did feel good and I relaxed into my run. I was so relaxed that I sped up to my natural pace and was soon enough running at 4:25 / km. Still Nico wasn't alongside me to pick the pace up further was he? I could just relax now and preserve myself for my official pacing duties tomorrow.

I had volunteered with pleasure for a 10km race in Etampes to accompany François in his attempt to better his record of 39:22 and try and achieve the official McMillan equivalent time for a 3 hour marathon: 38:21. SO to run this pace, I didn't want to arrive shattered after a recovery run around Corra. I looked at the Garmin for kilometre 6 - 4:08. Ok so it wasn't just Nico who drives the pace around Corra. The next 3 were the same: 4:11, 4:04 then 4:09. I was on a roll. It was only the uphill to Pavillon de la Muette which slowed me down. I picked the pace up again back in town to finish.

15 km all up in 1:04 or an average pace of 4:16. Come back Nico - all is forgiven!


Gérald said...

Nico et toi , vous avez une allure endurance largement supérieur à la mienne (plus de 1km/h au dessus et c'est pire avec le seuil , VMA courte et longue ) . Pas étonnant que vous me battiez assez facilement.
Je n'aurai donc aucune chance ???

Nicolas said...

YOU come back from the mountain, I'll be on Corra next saturday morning...
Gérald your PB's are almost the same as ours. You just have to recover and find your best shape (december 2K10!)...

James said...

I'm getting my altitude training in at the moment in the hope that this will suffice to beat you.
I'm also keeping well away from you at the moment as you're too full of germs! You can run Corra by yourself.
A long run on Sunday is on the cards though. I reckon a 2 hour easy run up Princess Road is a good starter.