2 January 2010

The day after

Dad and Liz got married on Saturday 19 December. It was a good do, ending up with an evening meal in Hexham Golf Club and accompanied by much alcohol and dancing (in fact the only time anyone ever sees me dancing is after too much alcohol!). On Sunday I was determined to try and run off some of the calories that too much alcohol imparts, and I started off on a long run with Laurence in the direction of Corbridge.

We ran together along the old road to Corbridge and Laurence was in fine form. We set off at 5:30 pace but gradually built up to 5:10 pace by the time we reached Corbridge. I accompanied Laurence as far as the start of the old road back to Hexham and then set off at my pace. I picked up speed to 4:25 - 4:28 per km and was surprised by the force of the wind in my face coming down the valley. What's more, the wind was so strong that it was blowing the icicles off the trees into my face as I passed under the them. Most unpleasant.

I ran back into Hexham and then along the Tyne past the golfclub to Warden. I turned around then and headed back into town. I ran down Eilansgate and on the the station before heading back up through town to home. 21km in 1:41. A nice session for a long Sunday run.

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