2 January 2010

Boxing Day - Cora

It was Saturday after all and so Cora it was to be. I tried to convince Nick to come out and join me but an excess of alcohol and turkey together with the early start proposed dissuaded him.

I set off to Cora by myself when I woke up. It was supposed to be an early start but not setting the alarm and with no pressure to get up, I only awoke after 9:00 am. I kitted myself out and set out for a run before taking Dad et al to the airport.

I wasn't in any rush and I pretended that Andy and Nick were with me running at the usual pace (OK guys - only kidding. I wasn't running that slowly ;) ). I'd done about 5k when I saw a familiar figure running towards me at full pace. It was Nick running around in the opposite direction to usual in order to meet me. Too bad that I'd set out so late or we could have run together after all. He was putting in some interval training after a few weeks off with tendonitis, so it was good to see him out again.

I sped up after this, even managing a kilometre at 4:15 before I calmed down again and told myself that I was racing the next day so not to go wild.

15km in just under 1:09. 60.5k for the week.

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