24 July 2009

30 - 30

A 30-30 session planned for the club on Thursday evening. I arrived at the last moment as is my wont and was thrown the keys to the changing room. They were polite enough to wait for me before setting off which was great.

There was a good turnout with Thierry, Jean-Marc, Miguel, Nick and Anne, Régis, Fabrice, Philippe and Bertrand all out for the evening. The 30-30 session didn't look as though it was going to be easy. We headed off towards Poissy and Les Charmilles where we run around a park on the outskirts of the town. We started off easily enough and then began the hard work for the block of 20 x 30-30's. The first interval was easy (too easy and the heart hasn't had the opportunity to warm up to start with) before we started putting some effort in on the following.

Very quickly we created a small group at the front: Thierry and Jean-Marc followed by Bertrand and myself. Nick, Fabrice and Régis were slightly behind taking it a little easier before the start of the holidays. I was motivated in keeping the distance between Thierry and Jean Marc and our duo as small as possible. They would leave us slightly in the fast 30' and we would gain back on them over the recovery. Miguel was coaching and not taking part but he was a great encouragement. I felt good and all my recent training seems to be paying off.

13 km all up in 1:15. The intervals were run at 18km/h with the fastest maxing at 20 km/h. Good session on an evening where it wasn't too hot. We got back to the clubhouse just in time to avoid the thunderstorm.

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