3 October 2008

Early morning run

Very busy at the moment with the start of the Paris Motor Show so I had no time yesterday to write up my early morning run on this blog.

6:45 am and the alarm went. I grabbed my running kit and put it on and added an extra accessory as I left the front door: a head torch. Pitch black outside now at this time in the morning and I didn't fancy twisting my ankle running down in the dark to the Seine. The light from the torch flickered on and off with each stride and it was most peculiar to follow this flickering beam down the paths alongside the river.

I felt good and comfortable at a fairly strong pace and did the first 2km in 8:24. Into Maisons Laffitte park and through the backroads having to avoid the horses out for the morning canter at 7:00 am. I left the park in 27:17 which was a lot better than I've been running in the last few weeks, by about 30 seconds even. By the time I reached the corner at Blvd Pasteur in 34:50 however, I seemed to have lost some of that advantage.

I was day-dreaming about work by then and everything that had to be done over the next few days, so I wasn't really concentrating on how fast I was going at all. I pushed the last kilometre in order to get back quickly to wish Laurence a happy birthday! 11.1 km course in 45:52 - not quite my P.B. but I felt very easy all the way around and was pleased with the run. 4:09 per km over the course on average - so a good marathon pace.

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