21 March 2009

Saturday recovery

I set off with Nick for our usual jaunt around the Cora lake again this morning. Andy had cried off, no real excuses forthcoming, so it meant that Nick and I would be fighting it out alone along the trails to the lake.

The first mistake this morning was to assume that blue sky and sunshine implied warm weather outside. I was already outside the house and half-way down the lane before I realised just how chilly it was still. I arrived at Nick's house to see him come out in long running tights and well protected on his top, informing me that it was only 2°C outside. Too late: I was in shorts and running shirt (OK, I had a second long sleeve top on too) but I was already feeling the cold.

We set off steadily, neither of us willing to push the pace as we were both recovering from the interval session on Thursday. This was very pleasant though as we were able to talk easily while running and enjoy the sunshine when we left the woody areas. I regretted my ski hat as my ears reminded me that it was only just above freezing. We picked up the pace after a few kilometres to start running at 4:30 pace from the 4:50 speed that we had started at.

I was trying out my new Asics this morning (Gel 2140 for those interested) which I bought in a fit of depression following my running aches and pains recently. Perhaps new shoes would resolve the problems. They were very comfortable, perhaps slightly less cushioned than I had been expecting, but fabulous on the road stretches. Nick was wearing in his new trail shoes which he seemd pretty satisfied with.

An easy run overall as we ran the 15 km in 1:10 or an average of 4:43 per km. Felt good to be out in the Spring sunshine. Looking forward to a longer run tomorrow.

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