22 March 2009

Long Sunday run

I had planned this run for a while as it's the last real effort before the marathon in 2 weeks time.

The original plan had been for Laurence to accompany me on the mountain bike as I ran the 32 km trail into Marly forest around Feucherolles and St Nom la Breteche. Unfortunately, Laurence has fallen ill with a nasty throat infection and a slight temperature, and had to abandon her hopes of running a last long run this weekend and accompanying me at the same time. Luckily, Henry agreed to come with me on the bike and carry the water and energy gels.

We set off at 9:00 am and the weather, so lovely yesterday, had taken a turn for the worse. It was cool (5°C) and slightly misty. We set off through the forest at Le Mesnil and headed towards the St Germain training ground. I was running easily beginning at 5:00 pace and then speeding up to 4:40 then 4:30. I felt good through the forest with my new shoes on. Although they're not ideal for trails, they are excellent support along the roads. I'll definitely be wearing these for the marathon. Henry was a little cold at this point as it was easy going on the bike and so I pushed on as best I could without compromising the end of the run.

We went past the club and through the forest towards the agricultural school. We caught a group of mountain bikers up the hill here and they encouraged us as we overtook them. Henry had warmed up by now and I was beginning to sweat. A few minutes later, after 10km, I had my first gel and some water off Henry to wash it down. The gels were not strictly necessary but I wanted to test them before using the same in the marathon. Although not exactly tasty (blood orange flavour !), they went down without any problem and didn't cause any stomach cramps or anything else for that matter. I took one after every 10km, and the energy levels weren't a problem as a result. That first gel at 10km is the hardest as you don't feel you need anything but it does react before you go into the red and it's too late.

We left the flat ground now and headed into the hills of Marly forest. I ended up waiting for Henry at this point up the hills. The bike was harder going than on foot with tree trunks to climb over in places. It was towards Feucherolles that I began to have problems with my right knee. The ligaments behind the knee on the left side would click and I would lose support in the joint. This was most uncomfortable and I wondered if I wouldn't have to pull up and stop. I concentrated on keeping my leg movements straight as I ran and although this helped, it didn't stop the problem entirely. Only after St Nom la Breteche, after 19 km, did this ease as we reached flatter surfaces and faster sections again.

I'd been running between 5:00 - 5:30 kilometres in the forest but as soon as we got abck to the tarmac sections in the forest, I was able to push the pace to 4:20. Another gel later and I was running at 4:03, 4:08, 4:19, 4:02. We met Anne at this point on her rollerblades and she accompanied us for a few hundred metres which was lovely. I told her how far we'd gone and asked about the ladies long run yesterday which had been accomplished successfully. We left Anne at the St Germain corssroads and carried on back past the club. Henry had had enough of trails by this point and was beginning to be sore on the bike. We decided to run back along the roads to Le Mesnil and since home was within reach now, I pushed the pace again.

The last 5 kilometres were run in 4:19, 4:04, 3:54, 4:06 and then 4:25 back up the hill to home. Faster than marathon pace and not bad after 2 hours of running already under the belt. I was really pleased and this has given me plenty of confidence for the marathon and the 3 hour objective. Now only if that damn knee holds out ...

33.25 km all up in 2:37 or an average of 4:44 per km. Chuffed with myself.

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