23 March 2009

Back to Grouchy

It's been a while but since the Bible said that I had to go for a run today, I followed the plan and went for a midday jog to Grouchy Castle.

I asked F-X if he was interested in coming along, but since he'd spent a rotten weekend arguing with his wife, thinking about work and, worst of all, feeling lousy when he went running, he wasn't at all interested in my offer. I set out by myself to the swimming pool and changed into my running clothes determined to go for an easy hour around the castle grounds.

The weather was lovely, with the sun out and the temperature around 15°C. Following yesterday's long run, the aim wasn't to set any speed records but just a recovery run at an easy 4:45 pace. It wasn't going to be easy to judge my pace as I'd left my Garmin at home but I set off with the intention of taking it easy and letting my body find a comfortable pace.

I could feel the kilometres in my legs as soon as I set off. What had seemed an easy pace yesterday, was 10 times harder today. Nevertheless, I climbed the short hill into the castle grounds and was out of breath already as I began my loops in front of the castle. The 4 loops I had intended to run initially turned into 3 as I cut my run short, not wanting to overdo things. The pace was steady, the shoes were fantastic and all pains in the legs have now disappeared.

Tired now this evening and feeling the effect of 3 days running in my legs. 9.3km all up today. No idea about the time but probably 4:45 pace per km. Good effort nonetheless.

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