5 February 2009

Threshold session

Thursday night with the club. I was able to escape early from work and get to the session with enough time to get into my running kit for a change. The bible stated that the plan this evening was to do 3 x 5 minutes threshold off 1:30 rest. The club was taking it easy due to the cross country championships on Sunday, in which I'm taking part too, so I was on my own.

Well actually, there are quite a few runners training for the marathon at the moment, but since they were running other distances and schedules, I decided that I would run 3 x 1600m off 200m recovery. I was aiming for a 3:45 / km pace which meant 6:00 minutes for each interval.

I set off steadily at a sustained pace just to see what time this would give per kilometre. I had forgotten to take off autolap on the Garmin so it was a little tricky calculating my split times as I was running round the track but they went something like:

6:04, 6:08, 6:06

So not quite the 6:00 minute pace I had envisaged but I felt good at this speed and not too exhausted. Very happy with the session and feeling that I'm progressing well and coming back into form. I haven't felt this good since September / October time last year in fact.

12.4 km all up.

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