29 July 2008

Mad dogs and Englishmen ...

Very hot and humid here today at Onnion. Sun was shining and only a few clouds hanging over Mont Blanc visible to the horizon.

Set off on a training run up the valley past Megevette and along the course I did last Saturday. The climb up to Megevette went well since I told myself from the outset not to push the pace too hard since general fatigue was setting in with all the exercise that we've been doing since we arrived here. The road was mostly shady with a nice cool breeze coming up the valley channelling cool air for the first 2.5 km of the route. The valley then opened out before Megevette and the trees disappeared. The sun was beating down and the going became laboured despite the cap to protect my own personal solar panel !

I ran to the intersection with the main road for a distance of 6.3 km in 29:39 or an average speed of 4:41 per km and then set back along the main road towards Onnion.

The descent was obviously easier but the heat was getting worse and I was seriously tempted a number of times to stop running and walk instead. I soldiered on and struggled up the final hill before Les Chavannes, our holiday centre. The downhill was a total distance of 5.9 km which I managed in 24:37. So a total distance of almost 12.3km in 54:16 or an average of 4:26 per km.

Hard work in the sun. Roll on Winter for the improved performances !

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