25 June 2008

Swimming outdoors

Summer has arrived.

Well it actually arrived at the weekend and since then the skies have been blue (or blueish!), the sun has shone and the temperature has risen by a few degrees. All of this has had a disastrous impact on my race performance for the running but it has had a significantly positive performance on my other activity - swimming.
I visit the pool close to my work at Osny: a small, 25m long pool which has the advantage of not being too popular as it is housed in a 30 year old building that has seen better years. In the Winter it is dark and oppressive and frankly, it is only because I've taken an annual pass to the pool and am conscientious about training regularly, that I go. Recently, however, all of this has changed ...
The pool has one huge design advantage: a retractable roof, that slides forward over the administrative part of the building, leaving the pool open to the skies. Lunchtimes are now transformed as I trundle down to the pool to swim my 1.5 km in full sunshine. It is amazing the effect that this has on my whole outlook - a few rays of sunshine, a swim in an outdoors pool and life is full of hope. I can forget about work for a moment and arrive back after the swim refreshed and full of energy for the afternoon. Unfortunately, the positive effects of the sun stop there: I'm still not swimming any faster, or finding it any easier but there's hope ...
To try and improve my technique, I did some research on the web and found this video. One day I might be able to swim in a similar fashion, in the meanwhile just watch the real thing, it's amazing:
Here's hoping that I improve over my next few sessions.

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