20 June 2008


Damn and blast.

There I was at lunchtime worrying about my wife's health, when all of a sudden I felt this tickle at the back of my throat and the beginning of a slight headache. Oh no, I don't want to fall ill now before Sunday's race. Just when I'd psyched myself up to go out and deliver my best performance yet over 10km, I'm going to go down with a fever instead.
Fond memories return from several years ago with my father complaining about the aches and pains that accompanied every runners training schedule. The rest of the family were extremely sympathetic to this condition and these niggles and would treat them with such kind words as: "hypochondriac", "worrier", "big girl's blouse", "oh,no not the body", etc. And now, I've fallen prey to the same disease myself: runners plight. Self-obsessive concern about the state of one's body is the precise definition of this malady and it's rife amongst all runners. It can express itself in many forms: problems with joints (especially knees); feet; muscles; tendons; and in its most severe case - headcolds. Unfortunately, it would appear that I've gone down with the latter ...
... to be continued.

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