12 March 2011

Bike and run

Laurence and I are running the half-marathon at Rambouillet together. It's official ! Offered to run with her last week and she hesitated as she wasn't sure if she could cope with the pressure of me running beside her for 21 kilometres. Finally, she accepted, knowing that I have no chance of beating any records and since I was already entered at least we would have the enjoyment of running together and I could be helpful at the feeding stations. So the challenge between Nico and myself is off for tomorrow and since there were no longer any real obstacles tos top me training the day before, I decided to go for a run to Cora this morning.

I told Laurence what I was preparing to do and she said that she could come with me on the bike as she was only looking to run about 5 km this morning. We hatched our idea of the bike and run then and there with me running the first 10km and then Laurence running the last 5km.

I got up this morning and first thing to do was to mend the bike. One snapped chain and a couple of flattish tyres later and I was in the basement putting Laurence's bike back together. That done, we set off. I felt fairly good but my ankle was telling me from the start that it hadn't had its usual 2 days rest. It didn't hurt but I could feel it pulling from soon after the start.

I had a great run nevertheless. I started easily running the first km in 4:52 and then gradually sped up to run the 4th km in 4:22 and then increase until I managed the 6th km in 4:08. I'd had it from here and slowed down slightly running the next 3 aroud 4:20 pace before easing off on the last kilometre to finish.

10km all up in 44:20. So not bad going. Ankle is not brill today though and hop it'll be feeling better by tomorrow. Next ESWT is Monday night so that will help.

Looking forward to running Rambouillet tomorrow. Shame Nico isn't feeling too well as I was sure he was going ot beat his record and aim for a sub 1:21. Laurence and I will be happy with a sub 1:45. We'll see how it goes...

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