12 November 2009


I was struggling to stay awake this morning as I drove into work. My eyelids were extremely heavy, and I had trouble to keep my eyes from closing. I ended up winding down the driver's side window and letting the fresh air blasting in keep me awake.

So whay was this ? I think that the early starts are finally taking their toll. It's getting a little hard to keep up: going to bed at 11:00pm at the earliest and gettting up at 6:00 am at the latest. I awoke before the alarm again this morning - just 3 minutes before it rang. I don't know how I managed it really as my body needed a lot more sleep. I rolled out of bed and went for a run.

I decided that as Winter is approaching that I need to wrap up warmly before I go out now. This was a mistake this morning. I was dressed all in black with long running tights and 2 layers on top: a technical T-shirt and then a thick long sleeved running top. It was 10°C outside and I was definitely over-dressed. Sweat was dripping from me as I ran through the 2km marker and I wondered why I'd worried about the cold. I ran steadily all the way, like a metronome - every kilometre between 4:25 and 4:30. It was only at the end as I neared home that I sped up and then used the downhill to finish strongly.

10.2km all up in 44:58 or 4:25 per km. Easy run, very steady on a nice dry and warm morning.

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