11 November 2009

Monday morning

Monday morning and a new week in perspective. The alarm would have rung at 6:00am but I was already awake and had turned it off so as not to disturb Laurence still sleeping beside me. I quickly put my running gear on and went outside to start.

Before I can start my runs, I have to wait for the Garmin to pick up the satellites for the GPS. It's only now that I realise just how cold it is outside. My 2 layers on top are rather thin and I can feel the cold air sweeping inside down from the collar. The Garmin takes what feels like an eternity to pick up the signal, and then I'm off.

I run quickly from the start in order to keep warm rather than any effort to break records today. The road down to the Seine is lit at the top and completely dark at the bottom where the track is rutted and treacherous. I pick my way carefully through the potholes in the dark, worrying about twisting an ankle so close to the marathon. On to the tarmac again down by the river and I'm off. The first kilometre goes past in 4:29 and then every kilometre afterwards is slightly faster: 4:29, 4:27, 4:24, 4:19.

I'm running through the park of Maisons Laffitte now, through the back roads of the park next to the stables. The only other people I see at this time of the morning are lads walking the horses for their early morning exercise. I notice a couple of dodgy looking characters entering a house with large bags and wonder what on earth they're up to. I decide against getting involved as they might be innocent and if not, they might be dangerous.

4:26, 4:26, 4:17 - I speed up as I head through the park and out towards the swimming pool. I am on my home stretch now and I know that it won't be long before I'm back at home for a nice cup of tea. 4:27, 4:26, 3:59. Last kilometre down the hill and onto the main road in front of the house.

10.2 km all up in 44:23 or an average of 4:22 per km. Back home I put the kettle on and wake Laurence while I take my shower. A quick breakfast and then off to work for the start of the week.

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