28 June 2009

Saturday morning

Arranged to go for an early morning run with Nick towards Cora as is our wont.

8:00 am saw me at Nick's house under a beautiful blue sky and a temperature that was already beginning to climb into the lower 20°C. We set off slowly both determined not to tire ourselves out this morning and just to enjoy the run. We did just that: set out at around 4:50 pace before slowly building up to 4:33 pace around Cora. The pace was comfortable enough to be able to hold a good conversation and it was only towards the 9th km that we began to tire a little as we ran up the slope back from Cora.

I was really happy to be able to get a few more kilometres into the training and started to feel that I had gotten over my illness and was back on track. By the time that we had arrived back in Le Mesnil, the sun had risen higher in the sky and the thermometer was beginning to climb rapidly too. My legs were tiring now but the pace was still very steady.

15km all up by the time I got back to the house, which I managed in 1:11. Pace was constant, and I was pleased with my run. Temperature was ideal in the forest and I need to get out before 9:00 am to run at the moment otherwise the heat and the humidity are too much for me.

Nick is looking in good form and we had a good discussion about the Marathon relay that we're envisaging for the end of October.

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