6 May 2009

Easy stuff

The club training session was advertising a "muscular reinforcement" programme for last night, and since that sounded like an easy alternative to a VO2 max interval session, I went along.

We started with a 30 minute warm-up run at a very easy pace since we only ran 5.5km. There was a good turn-out and when we were asked if we wanted to carry on running or do the workout, everybody chose the latter.

Miguel then put us through 30 minutes of some fairly strenuous exercises. A quick warm-up of the different muscles in the body before lying down on the grass in the stadium and getting stuck into some sit-ups. I realised doing these just how little I work out, especially on the abdominals. These were hell and I'm sure that Miguel loved every minute of it, seeing us all go through torture. More abdomen exercises afterwards on the side and then on the back. When we finished all of this, we were told to go for a little warm-down jog and then some sprints.

My stomach muscles were aching severely as I jogged around the track. Good programme if you do this regularly - motivation needs to be high though.

Decided to run "Course des Sangliers" on Friday. Will attempt to do a better job than last Friday's run.


Nick Wiechers said...

I did 10x1 on the way home. I got the FC up to 185 so I must have been trying. I'm sure the stuff you did has its benefits but it's not as much fun.

James said...

I agree. The muscle workout was a bit of a change but as Bruno and I said to each other, we'd far prefer to be running around the track.
Not bad on your workout back, but what speed did you get up to? Fancy running a trail tomorrow morning ?