2 May 2009

Recovery run

Nick and I had planned to go for an hour's recovery run this morning. I was to recover from yesterday's run and he was to recover from his long run in Marly forest yesterday. The sun had decided that it would take a break today and there was plenty of cloud cover to protect me from the heat. I wore my cap nevertheless.

We started slowly enough running towards the forest in the direction of Cora, but soon enough we had quickened the pace, running easily at around 4:30 per km along the forest paths. We got to Cora in good time and were still at 4:30 pace when we decided mutually that this was not going to help us recover and we would be knackered very shortly.

Coming back from Cora is mostly uphill. Not steep uphill but after yesterday's efforts, it felt extremely heavy going and the sandy paths didn't contribute to make the going any easier. We slowed down at this point and were able to start talking again. This is a good gauge of the effort, if we can still talk then we're comfortable, and as soon as we push the pace: silence.

It was very quiet in the forest this morning with few runners out. It looks as though most people have made the most of the long weekend and left for a short break. The run was most enjoyable and Nick and I were able to have a good chat. Reminisced a little about the raid in Normandy last year and how it would be good to repeat the experience.

15 km all up in 1:11 or an average pace of 4:46 per km. Not quite a recovery run but most enjoyable anyway.

Feet are a mess after yesterday: big blister on toes and underfoot. Nail fell off on left foot. Will post photos soon !

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