28 May 2009


In Amsterdam for business yesterday, so I took my running stuff to go for a quick run around the hotel while I was there.

When I arrived and saw that the hotel was situated right next to Schiphol airport in one of the greyest areas of the city, I was instantly put off by any thoughts of running the streets. Luckily the hotel had a sports room so I set off early morning to run on one of the treadmills there.

It's a completely different feeling running on a treadmill. There's no wind in your face to begin with. Not the slightest breeze even. I was sweating after not even 5 minutes. I set the speed to 10km/h to begin with and then built up to 13.5 km/h by the end.

Ran 7km in the 35 minutes I had spare. Not impressive but just enough to keep the fitness up.

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