12 April 2011

Final straight

Well it's one of the last sessions before the marathon and for today the training guide suggests 3x1000m at marathon pace with 2' recovery between each interval. So not the toughest of sessions as the idea is to imprint the marathon pace as the reference these last 2 weeks so that the day of the race everything is controlled.

I woke just before the alarm and wondered whether I shouldn't just lie back down and go to the club session this evening. I thought that this would probably be even more frustrating as I would want to join in the session and it wouldn't exactly be the taper that I need. I put some kit on and left the house without the garmin which was showing a battery level of 4%. It was going to be the usual course and I know the kilometre markers by heart.

I set off easily and ran the first 3 kilometres at recovery pace before starting the first interval. It was hard to accelerate and I could feel my legs struggling to cope with the increase in pace. I don't know whether I was running at marathon pace (4:15 / km) or faster but I could feel the effort and all the doubts as to whether the 3 hour barrier is feasible or not flooded my mind. The next 2 intervals passed in the same fashion but as usual I found that they were easier and easier to manage as I progressed.

3 kilometres to warm down at the end and a total of 10.3kms for the session. It's now just a case of wait and see.


Gérald said...

3*1000m That's the good session before marathon. 4'15 km with heat or not ?

James said...

Well Gérald - I'm definitely going to start the race at 4:15 per km whether there is heat or not. The big question is at what pace will I finish the event ?