29 July 2011

Retour à la Pointe

Laurence, having picked Bertrand and me up at Ajon in the car, decided that she too was going to conquer la Pointe de Méribel by running there and back on Friday morning. The rest of the week having been filled with long hikes and cycling, Friday was the last day possible before our departure from Onnion.

Having seen Bertrand accomplish the ascent in 1:15 earlier in the week, Laurence decided that she would need slightly longer and was eager to take on the 800 metres of ascent and a total circuit of close to 15km. She prepared herself mentally and physically by having an extra large helping of breakfast and a couple of extra slices of bread and she was ready for the challenge. She kitted herself up and without further ado, she headed to the entrance hall, primed the Garmin and set off.

I'd told her that I'd give her 15 minutes start before setting off myself in pursuit and so in turn, I got ready and set off. I took it far easier on the lower slopes on the road than last time with Bertrand. I focused on trying to run every section, even the steepest parts, despite having to reduce my pace considerably to do so. This worked well and I arrived at the Rocher Blanc in just over 27 minutes, only slightly behind Monday's time but having been far more regular and a lot less tired.

I negotiated the road across the plateau now and was surprised not to see Laurence at all ahead of me. From half-way over the plateau, you're able to see the road section right up to Ajon and since I couldn't see Laurence, I wondered if she hadn't taken the route on the east side of the plateau, along the tracks. I continued along the road past the foyer on the plateau and then took the right trun up the road to Ajon, staying on the road permanently this time as opposed to Monday when I took a short-cut across the fields. It was only in the final section just before Ajon that I saw Laurence walking up the road as I plodded steadily. I overtook her just before Ajon and told her that I'd wait at the top.

I checked my watch again now. I'd been running for 49 minutes and I wondered if I could make it to the top under the hour. I kept it steady and followed the track around the hill rather than heading straight up like last time. A final effort when I saw the line of crosses and I finally reached the top in 59:52 - oooph - by the skin of my teeth ! Laurence finished 5 minutes later in 1:20 and was really pleased to have managed the achievement. We ran down the road easily together to finish back at the centre.

14.5km all up in 1:50. I felt better about my achievement this time having been more regular despite the slightly slower time for the climb up.

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