14 September 2009

Morning run

I went for an easy run this morning in order to loosen my legs and take it easy after yesterday's race. I was actually really looking forward to this run; to enjoy a session around Maisons Laffitte which I haven't run for a long while.

I set off early as the day was dawning, running down to the track alongside the Seine. I was just enjoying the scenery, not too bothered about the pace which started off somewhere around 4:40 per km. I think I was still waking up as I was running, as we've been having too many late nights recently and with the extra kilometres in my training schedule, I need even more sleep than usual. I ran past the racecourse at Maisons Laffitte and looked at the bushes where I was caught short last time - fond memories !

The pace was still easy and nobody was around, just a few cars heading off to work. It was only as I reached the park at ML and ran back towards the castle that I saw a few more pedestrians about, but no runners. The pace picked up slightly here as I noticed that my Garmin was showing 4:25 per km now, stretching down the gravel paths around the park. For some unknown reason, Michel's words about my running style came into my head and I concentrated on trying not to run flat but to scrape the ground as I pushed off each foot. Don't know if this helped my running but it sure helped pass the time and before I knew it I was running back through Le Mesnil in front of the church heading down to the town hall.

Home again in 59:50 for 13.4 km. Nice run, cool weather and a good stretch for the legs.

Found a few photos of yesterday's race for your enjoyment. Don't I look tired in one of them and this was after 2 km !!
At the start, chatting with Nick The St Germain runners waiting near the start line
2km - no comment!5 km - worse !


Unknown said...

You were in a foot race, not a cycle race! What are you doing with those shorts on!

James said...

When you're as well endowed as I am, it helps to keep everything in place when your run. Obviously, you might not understand this, not having experienced this kind of problem.

James said...
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