19 September 2009

Grouchy Wednesday

Managed to get out at lunchtime for a run around the castle grounds. Weather has been a little cooler of late so I left the swimming pool and started running easily and then picked the pace up as I was enjoying myself.

So a very easy first kilometre down the hill and into the park at 4:45 pace. I entered the parck and ran up the first hill and saw that the Garmin was showing me 4:35 for this second km. I carried on at the same pace thinking that I would be running at a steady 4:30 pace, but I forgot about the impact of the hill that I had just run up so this was now actually 4:14.

One I saw this time on the watch and taking into account how easy I was still feeling, all thoughts of taking it easy shot out of the window and the next splits went : 4:20 (including the hill), 4:08, 4:08, 4:27 (hill again), 4:06, 4:19, 4:24.

All up in 44:48 for the 10.3km and 10 seconds faster than my previous blast over this course, back in August. Feeling good.

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