28 August 2009

Recovery run

In my constant attempts to maintain mileage during the week, I decided to go for a lunchtime run around Grouchy castle grounds. I wasn't feeling up to much after last night's run with the club (almost) and my recent lack of sleep. Luckily F-X had decided to go for a run as well, so I convinced him that I wanted to take it easy and that we could run together.

We set out slowly from the swimming pool at Osny at a very easy pace down the hill. I wanted to show F-X that I wasn't joking when I said that I wanted an esay run and I let him set the tempo. He hasn't been training regularly for a while and he was telling me that it was already an effort to envisage a 10km run.

The first 2 km were really gentle in 5:02 and 5:11 before we settled into a more natural speed around a 4:40 pace. We took it very easily and when F-X told me he wanted to cut the course short, I managed to persuade him to carry on but at an easier pace.

The weather was really pleasant for a lunchtime run, with clear blue skies, a gentle breez and a temperature in the low 20°C. I finished the 10.3k in 49:38 or an average speed of 4:51 per km.
A nice pleasant run.

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