30 August 2009

LSR - long, slog of a run

We had friends around for dinner last night and I drank too much whisky, wine and grappa, finally getting to bed after 3:00 am. I woke at 11:00 am and decided that since Laurence wasn't showing any interest in me the only alternative was to go for a run. It was a hard decision, since frankly the thought of actually making any effort at all this morning was totally unnatural.

I think I was probably still hungover when I left the house, but I slurped down a glass of orange juice, threw the camelbak on and left with the intention of doing the same loop as last Sunday but more steadily.

The camelback was not comfortable and bumping around my back as I ran. I hate having any sort of accoutrement on me when I go running, and like to be able to swing my arms and feel free in my movements. I soon got used to the sack though and was happily coasting along at 4:50 pace for the first 8 kilometres.

Business was booming as I passed the prostitute beside the St Germain road near the clubhouse. What are all of these blokes doing at midday on a Sunday - don't they have homes to go to ? Anyway, soon I was pushing up the hill next to the horticultural college, managing my speed and being careful not to tire myself too early in the run. 5:05 for this km, then 5:11 and 5:06 as I went up Princess Road to the crossroads at the top. I felt a lot less tired than last week and was warmed up now. I turned towards Feucherolles and picked the pace up slightly along the top to around 4:40 pace.

At least with the camelbak, I didn't need to stop and was able to take on water as I ran. I carried on down the hill to St Nom, admiring the beautiful houses on the way, and was coasting at 4:38 pace. I felt a little more tired now as I reached the town centre and had to pull back up the hill. However, the temperature was a lot cooler compared to last week and with the water, I felt stronger about my ability to finish steadily.

The hardest part on the run was the steep hill in St Germain to go past Laurence's college, Debussy. The fatigue had finally got to me and the lack of energy was having an impact. I struggled to St Germain castle, stopping at the fountain to soak my cap in the water, and then carried on towards the swimming pool and the forest. I was determined to keep running now, and to carry on without walking. At just past the 29 km point, I walked for 10 yards up the hill on our usual Sunday run course. I couldn't help myself, but I picked up again and promised myself that I would just run slower rather than stop and walk.

The sick feeling in my stomach was very strong now but I only had a couple of kilometres to go, so I gritted my teeth and carried on. I managed to get back to the house in 2:39 having run just over 33 km. What surprised me most was that even though I felt I was suffering badly, I was still running at about 4:50 pace.

Average speed of 4:47 per km over the distance. Glad to have done it ! Certainly burnt off any excess alcohol.

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