19 June 2011

Thursday club session

Turned up at the club for the first run since the weekend. I arrived late after getting stuck in traffic and they were all heading off when I arrived. Nico, Thierry, José and Régis amongst others were heading off in the Poissy direction whereas Gérald, Michel and the women were going to the terrasse to run some hills. I couldn't face intervals with the fast guys so I decided to tag along with the women.

I had to get changed first. So after a rush into my running kit, I set off in pursuit of the others. I ran the first 2 kilometres at marathon pace before I managed to catch them up and I realised that I still had a lot of tiredness from the weekend in my legs. Coach Michel was teaching the group how to run up and downhill on trails (how appropriate) and Gérald and I chatted mostly about Guerlédan at the back of the group. Delphine and Brigitte were there too having recoverd from their runs and everyone asked after Laurence who was still stuck at school.

An easy session, where we ran just over 10km in 1:05. An average of 5:18 per km for the evening and a nice recovery run with everyone.

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