2 December 2012

Sunday run

I woke up this morning feeling slightly the worse for wear. I'd missed the club session and had preferred to spend an extra hour in bed, encouraged by Laurence who got up to go running with Katia. The excess of alcohol from the previous night still hadn't worked its way out of my system and I decided that a good easy run should do the trick.

I headed down to Corra with the intention of coming back along the wall so as to run 18km and complete my week with over 100 km of running. I set off steadily at 5:00/km pace and after a couple of kilometres, I was into my stride at 4:30/km pace. It felt very easy and my breathing was effortless with the legs feeling slightly fatigued.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning with a clear blue sky and crisp temperature of about 2°C. It was great to clear my head, just what the doctor ordered, although when I bumped into Andy out on his mountain bike, I wasn't able to express myself clearly at first. Steady run back after that slowing to 4:40 pace as I went through a part of the forest I haven't run through before, only recognising my path when I was back alongside the road to the military camp next to Maisons Laffitte.

I was just starting to get very hungry when I reached home after 20k in 1:32 so an average pace of 4:35 for the run. 102.5 km this week in total.


Nicolas said...

I am not sure to understand. You got lost in the forest because you didn't fully recovered from yesterday evening?

caroline said...

je sais maintenant qui a vidé la bouteille de whisky...

James said...

@Nico Didn't get lost - I tried a new route which is completely different.
@Caro I did finish the whisky but it was the rum that finished me off!!!