9 December 2012


Some things are hard to write. I left off writing my blog for what felt like a very long time a few months back as I was unable to run, to train and to take part in any competitions. It was very frustrating and I wasn't able to put this into words and pretend that eveything was fine. I think that the pressure I was feeling at work didn't help and I kept these feelings bottled up for a while. Well, I'm injured again after yesterday's race, for which the race report and photos will follow shortly, and I thought it was more important this time to get this out of my system than to write about the race.

When the achilles started aching yesterday, I was half way across a very muddy field at the time. I remember the moment exactly and I just thought "s**t". I left the cornfield and the woman on the road gave me encouragement by announcing that it was all tarmac now until the feeding station. The pain got worse running on the road. I felt like pulling the plug and abandoning. I couldn't run properly and was hobbling as I ran, gritting my teeth with the pain as every stride caused a lance from my heel up my calf. It was bearly bearable.

I waited for François at the feeding station and told him about the achilles. I couldn't give up now as I didn't want to leave him and I wanted those 2 points for the UTMB. I would just carry on as best I could and see how far I could get. The pain as awful for the next 10 kilometres and then it died down a little, letting me run but not letting me forget that it was there.

That was yesterday. Today I'm wondering how I managed to run yesterday as the few strides I made today were awful. My ankle is clearly swollen around the achilles and I've applied ice to try and reduce this. However, this time it's my left ankle and not my right that is injured. I've been through this twice before and I feel better about it this time as I'm sure I'll be able to get over this more quickly and deal with it better. God, I'm even able to write about it.

Race report tomorrow. For those of you who watch 'How I met your mother', in the words of Barney, it was legend.... wait for it... dary !!!


caroline said...

je suis vraiment désolée James...c'est vrai que tu t'es vite remis de l'autre talon, donc on a bon espoir qu'avec quelques ondes de chocs tu puisses à nouveau entraîner nico dans des courses jamais très raisonnables ! prends soin de toi... (take care ! c'est ça en anglais ?)

Cédric V said...

Salut james,
ton blog va m'obliger à prendre des cours d'anglais. Damned !
Si j'ai bien compris, ton tendon d'achille ne t'a pas permis d'apprécier notre verte campagne. Si d'aventures, le coin t'as plu, il y a le radicatrail en avril. Que tu peux faire version grand défi : 14 ou 16km samedi apm + 16 ou 14km le soir + 56km le dimanche. Appétissant, non ? Et cette fois çi, j'y serai.
Soignes toi bien. Bon courage.

James said...

Merci pour les commentaires.
@Caro Je continue de glacer le tendon et je verrai pour les ondes de choc si nécessaire.
@Cédric La douleur au tendon ne m'a pas arrêté de terminer la course. Les derniers 30km étaient cependant très douleureux