18 December 2012

Club session

It was with pleasure and a little intrepidation that I went to the club session tonight. The achilles is not completely better but a few strides with casual shoes on convinced me that it was no longer as painful as before and that an easy warm-up with the club couldn't do any harm.

I met François, Momo, Nico at the club and we warmed up together. When Nico and Momo asked if I wanted to speed up a little during the warm-up, I agreed as the achilles was pulling and I could feel a dull ache, but nothing like the pain I experienced on the trail when it all started. We sped up to around 4'30/km pace - I can't be sure as my garmin was still charging on the bedside table when I left for the club.

After the warm-up, the group was running 20x200m and I decided that I would definitely give this a miss. I ran with Laurence and Katia instead on their intervals with 20x200m run in 41 - 43 seconds per interval with a 200m recovery. Katia was slightly ahead with François, who was also in recovery phase after the trail too, and Laurence and I were about a couple of metres behind. Both the girls were very constant and it was good to see them working on some VO2 max sessions for a change. I checked this pace on McMillan when I came home and it corresponds to a 44' 10k pace and it would be good if they could both go under this for their next race.

A quick warm down at the end and we were done. I calculated that we ran 14km in all for the evening.

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