8 September 2011

Easy early morning Paris jog

I met up with the team from our future new owners on Wednesday night for a meal and introductions. During the course of the evening there was plenty of chat going on as to our pastimes and my running exploits were brought to the fore, probably as I'm the only marathoner in the team. Anyway, some of my Swedish colleagues wanted to impress the new proprietors and proposed an early morning run around Paris to which I was cordially invited. I couldn't resist the occasion to show off, so I duly accepted the 6:30 am start at République, in the heart of Paris.

When the alarm rang at 5:20 am, I regretted my rashness in accepting but it was too late. I pulled on my running kit, through my work clothes into a bag, jumped into the car and headed off to Paris centre. There were 4 off us in total, 2 swedes and 2 brits. We set off down to Bastille at an easy pace and had an excellent early morning run through the heart of Paris. Bastille, then along the Seine to Notre Dame, continuing on to the Louvre and running through the Tuilerie gardens before heading back past Madeleine and the Bourse.

The pace was very easy and it was actually the 2 older men who held us back as the swedish lady was very fit and finishing her preparations for the half-marathon in Stockholm next weekend. It was great to run through the centre of Paris in the early morning, watching the sun rise over the city.

10km all up in 54:00.

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