3 September 2011

Corra and back

Having read Nico's blog today, I've seen that he has now adopted the spelling of Corra with 2r's and having just checked on google earth, I agree with him. Not that spelling the pond differently had any impact at all on my run this morning. Nico proposed to leave at 8:30am and it was just as well as today has been one of the hottest days of the summer so far here.

When we left, the temperature was already warm at about 20°C after just over an hour running, it would rise by another couple of degrees. We set off slowly and bumped into Didier, fresh from his ironman in Nice in June and preparing for the half-marathon in Boulogne in the autumn. After a quick chat with him, we carried on into the forest and enjoyed the relative cool compared to the temperautre in full sunlight in town. We took it fairly easily, running at around 4:30 pace and this suited me fine. I could see that Nico had plenty of energy and was ready to run faster but I told him that I wanted to save my energy if I was to run some hills tomorrow with him. Despite this, the next kilometre I found that we'd sped up to 4:12 pace and the next few kilometres were steady at 'marathon pace' including the climb up to Pavillon de la Muette. This building has been up for sale recently and I am not sure whether anybody has finally bought it despite the low purchase price requested. It was previously used by the forestry commission and it hasn't been occupied for years.

Anyone want to buy a house ?

I slowed from this point, tired from my session during the week and also from the heat and humidity. Nico slowed to stay with me and we eased off to 4:30 pace again and then dropped to 4:44 as we headed up the final slope on the sandy path. Back into town and another rise in the temperature and back onto tarmac for the final mile home. A little stretch towards the end and we finished in 1:05:38. Not a record, but a good effort and it shows the shape that both Nico and I are in at the moment.

15km all up in 1:05:38 or an average of 4:26 per km.

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