13 December 2009

Cora alone

I ran to Cora by myself on Saturday. Nick is injured with tendonitis in the foot post-marathon. Andy was resting prior to the race and I felt the need to put some kilometres in just to be serious.

I ran the usual route to Cora by myself. I missed the banter and the joking with Andy and Nick and spent most of the time talking to myself. I told myself to take it easy as it's the relaxing Saturday run. I said that Andy and Nick would be running slower than this so I should slow down. I told myself that I was racing the following day and wanted to do well, so I should just take it easy. I ignored myself superbly.

I set out easily enough, running the first kilometre in 4:48 but then I ran faster and faster going through the next in 4:30, then 4:24; 4:18; 4:14. I slowed up then and made it steady for the rest of the run. I could feel a stitch from having eaten breakfast before going running which I almost never do. I don't eat breakfast before running as I get a stitch. I must remember this.

15km in 1:06:33 or 4:27 per km. Great run on a cold, still day. I felt good all the way around (bar the stitch).

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