26 August 2008


I weighed myself this morning after having been for my run and I now weigh 77.7 kg. This is almost 3 kg more than last week. How has this happened ?

I only have one explanation: camembert (and especially Lanquetot, sponsors of the raid this weekend).

This can be the only reason why my morning run today was so laborious. I ran the usual 11.1 km route around Maisons Laffitte in a total time of 49:02 or 4:25 per km. This was almost 3 minutes slower than a few days ago. I knew it was going to be hard from the outset when I felt how tired my whole body was. I ran by the Seine to the 2 km mark in 9:05, some 45 seconds slower than my usual pace at this point.

I picked up the pace slightly running through Maisons Laffitte park, but it was never going to be a fast time so I concentrated on enjoying myself as much as possible. Even this was hard, as the effort was permanent. It was with much relief that I ran up the last hill to arrive back at the house.

The extra weight has slowed me down and I'm going to have to cut back on my cheese consumption if I'm going to run faster again.


Lorenza said...

Camembert indeed is definitely to blame. I would also say that beer and pistachio nuts systematically drunk and eaten before dinner as an aperitif do not help...
Chocolate in the evening might contribute to this situation too....

Andy said...

Despite your overdose on Camembert you seemed to be going at a good pace when you made the turn from Avenue Albine to Buffon this morning. I was trying out your 7.6 Chateau run this morning. Congratulations to the "Soft Knees" at the Raid! Good job to all of you!

James said...

Andy, you should have called out if you saw me running in the park and I'd have run up to Blvd Pasteur with you.
Glad to hear that you're using my routes to get some training in. This hasn't got anything to do with the triathlon coming up in a couple of weeks I hope ?

Andy said...

Mate, you were traveling faster than the sound waves of my voice! I was still on the way out to the end of Albine before the fountain, so you were quite a distance away. Just back from 3 weeks of Holiday in Spain, Pyrenees and Alps with no running or cycling, so I need to get into shape. Bike race this week-end with some good hills.