23 April 2012

Early morning run

After the Sunday training, it was a pleasant change to run by myself at my own rhythm. Despite it being early in the morning, it wasn't too cold and the dawn was beginning to break. I felt good and soon settled down into a fairly sustained tempo, running the first kilometre in 4:30.

I sped up now, accelerating to 4:20 pace and then 4:10 and faster as I headed into the park. It was one of those mornings where everything felt right and although I wasn't comfortable at this pace, it didn't feel as though I had to prove anything or push myself harder. I ran back through the forest as it was light now and it meant that I could enjoy a softer surface. I slowed a little as I ran back up the slope from the railway line but pushed on as it wasn't far back home now.

13.4 km all up in 56:52 or an average pace of 4:14 /km. Good start to the day.

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