29 November 2012

1000 + 3000 + 2000 Club session

No Nico this evening at the club session. This was a complete surprise. Apparently the marathon has taken more out of him than he could cope with and the thought of an evening on the track, attempting to keep up with me was just too much to bear and he copped out. I was sorely tempted to go around to his house to see if he was slouched on a couch, playing CoD with a tub of M&Ms beside him. It's so sad when you see a highly strung athlete go over the edge like this, and I couldn't stand to see another human being in such distress so I left him alone and concentrated on the job in hand.

There was a smaller turnout tonight (obviously with Nico at home with his M&Ms) with no Wilfried from our little group either. José, Jérôme and Mireille were there to act as sparring partners and after a short warm-up, we were on the track ready for the off. Miguel had announced that the workout was supposed to be done at half-marathon pace less 5 seconds, so a sort of threshold plus pace. I figured that we whould be attempting 3:40 / km pace and to take it easy on the first 1km in order to not explode on the longer distances after.

José, Jérôme and Mireille were fine with this and as we watched Momo and Yoan set off  with a small group including Sébastien and Frédéric just behind, we took off ourselves. Jérôme set off fast and I let him go, figuring (correctly) that he'd be with us for the longer distances. I ran very steadily with José on my shoulder all the time and Mireille just behind me - 3:36. Perfect.

It was the same scenario for the second interval except this was 7 and 1/2 laps of the track. José running wide on my shoulder and Mireille and Jérôme just behind. 10:56 for this interval (3:38/km) and so we were very consistent with the pace. For the last 2km, following our 200m recovery, I set off again as per the previous 2 intervals but José came past me with 400m to go and I couldn't stay with him. It was his turn tonight to show us all who the man in form is and it's great to see him running hard again in the club sessions. Mireille was encouraged from the sidelines by Momo and she stayed with us until the end too - 7:10 (3:35/km)

Another good session and running very consistently on the track with a good little group to emulate and stimulate each other. 13km all up.

Now, where's my tub of M&Ms ?


Nicolas said...

Poor times, you didn't deserve your M&M's tube. It's slower than my marath training pace...Very worrying that you didn't manage to beat 7' for a 2k interval.
For your perfect information I was attending a "médaille de la légion d'honneur" ceremony presentation with more valuable poeple...

James said...

I looked at your recent training on the blog and didin't see any 2k times below 7 minutes recently. I'd leave off those drugs your taknig for your "cold". They're obviously having hallucinogenic effects on you.

Nicolas said...

Who is taking hullucinogenic drugs?


3*3000 10'30"/10'46"/10'42" moonwalk pace (with hills)


Ok, ok just done one with 7'05" but still moonwalk pace...