8 February 2012

Recovery run

The only real rest day, in running terms, during the marathon training programme, is on Wednesday where rest and recuperation are the dish of the day. I look forward to these sessions as it reminds me of why I like running. I'm only running for my own enjoyment, not to improve my times, not to push myself to the limit but just for the pleasure of getting out and doing some exercise. Admittedly, the pleasure is unimaginable for some when it's -10°C outside, but for us masochists, it's not a real problem.

I felt good from the start and set off at a steady pace, but not too slow so as to avoid getting frostbite. I sped up gradually over the first half of the course, moving through the gears from 4:30 pace to 4:08 for the 7th kilometre. I then eased off slightly before accelerating again towards the end.

Not many people out and about with the early start time and the cold. I finished my loop in 55:05 for the 12.8km so an average pace of 4:18 / km. Faster than yesterday on average so pleased with my recovery run.


Gérald said...

HURRY UP JAMES !!! You don't have any time for reading ? or not motivated ?

James said...

No time for writing at the moment. About to start again now

Gérald said...

Writing and not reading . That's true.

Thank's James !!!